anyway, i might get the episodes mixed up, but here are my thoughts:
- i know people have showed me 'documentation' that kim is really 29, but i'm still not believing it--i know 'white cracks', but botox every 6 months from the time you're 24?? okay kim, you might have been getting botox for 5 years, but at least concede that you were older than 24 5 years ago. have mercy. and what is with white women acting like botox is candy or something--are you gonna get some? you should try it!
- i ♥ nene's gbf, with his 'prettiest feet he's ever seen on a man'. . .he is full of classics. 'what do you call a fashion show with no fashion? nuthin'. . .i call it nuthin' lol! hilarious. . .
- speaking of which. . .why was sheree trying to act like she wasn't embarassed by the lack of fashion at her fashion show. umm, if you're not embarassed, you should be! if you were having a party or an art exhibition, call it that. . .not a fashion viewing. also, i am SO mad at her for patting herself on the back like she was spending her own money to do this line--umm, where did you work to earn said money? it is your husband's money that is funding this line, sweetie.
- i also want to know if sheree's daughter ever got her piece of apple. . .i've already mentioned that i'm nervous that these kids are being traumatized by their mothers' narcissm, but i really worry about sheree's kids.
- i know we all see it in our every day lives. . .but this show makes it so clear that some people never mature past high school. maybe if they actually had lives and business there wouldn't be so much gossiping and foolishness, but then again, there wouldn't be a show either. lol. kim and sheree are the worst wanna-be mean girls ever--and i think of deshawn as that dumb blonde girl from the movie. she just seems slow to me.
- i really want to know who told sheree about nene's drunk song (nene was SO into her song though, we even got a direct look into the camera! and dare i say she sounded better than kim!). to me, the obvious choice was deshawn, besides the fact that i think she has no business and just wants to create some, lisa seems so anti-drama. i know i'm biased, but she just doesn't seem like the type to turn around and quote the drunk song to sheree, knowing it would get back to kim. so of course deshawn's actions, trying to fix everything afterward just seemed guilt-driven (btw, kim is SO wrong for hanging up the phone on her!). but by the end of the episode, i wasn't really sure. . .say it ain't so lisa!
- the husbands are pretty funny to me. . .nene's poor husband just gave up on trying to keep her under control after a while, and i really like lisa and ed's relationship--they seem like such good friends and he follows the girl drama so well!
- lol to lisa swimming in her coverup. . .without getting her face in the water so she wouldn't mess up her makeup
- kim. oh kim. 1) big girls don't send text messages! if you have something to say, at least call! you know you only get 160 characters in a text message--your attempt to tell nene about herself loses its force by the 4th screen. 2) cat doesn't have a k in it. . .forget the abc's of music, you need to learn the abc's, period. 3) nene is right. . .you aren't friends with dallas austin, big poppa is! he is cordially nice to you out of the fact that his pockets are being padded while you tone-deafly mumble through studio time and because he can get a little tv time while doing so (ps-is it just me, or is rosa mexicana SO overrated). 4) it goes without saying, so i didn't want to say it, but i just have to emphasize how much kim cannot sing--boo to her groupie sheree for saying her singing in the car sounded good (and where did she get that glass of wine she had in the car?? it wasn't even a red cup, it was a real wine glass!) 5) i did not need to know that you don't wear panties. . .neither did the rest of the world--you have daughters! it's time for some discretion. . .we could all look at you and tell you were classless and trashy, no need for specifics. maybe nene is right. . .maybe your wig is too tight!
- umm, why did you guys fumble through taking that little boat to an island. . .and then complain about everything that makes an island?? 'omg eww is that a clam?' 'eww, there's sand blowing on me!' 'ugh. the sun!' what exactly did you think you would find when you got to the island??
- poor deshawn's little fundraiser with the gaudy oscars is going to be the running joke of the show!
- i don't think i've said it before, but i LOVE the purple dress nene wears in her little intro scene. . .someone tell me where to get it!
- speaking of nene, i know she's earned a place in people's hearts because she makes them laugh. . .but after finding out more about her life, do you get the feeling that she's a 'laugh to keep from crying' type of person? i wonder if maury has called to offer to have her on his show yet. . .
1 comment:
Sheree is a hot mess! How can you call yourself a designer when you don't draw and you don't sew. What did she do for the fashion line other than give it a tacky name?
Her lack of preparations where soo beyond broke down!
I am so sad the show is ending. =(
Team Nene!!!!
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