as one paper put it, "the united states decisively elects its first black president". words cannot describe how i feel. . .or the outpouring of energy all over the nation--especially in black neighborhoods. this isn't just about what we know mr. president will do for this nation, it's about the way history books will look from now on, it's about the inspiration for little black girls and little black boys. . .and black families, and it's about nice guys finishing first and what happens when we all come together. don't you have chills??
- i don't have the mean feeling toward mccain that i've had for these past 21 months after hearing his speech
- i felt like mlk jr was there (again) while listening to barack's speech. and how awe-inspiring is it that we can say that this man was elected, not for the color of his skin, but for the content of his character. (and aww to michelle being his best friend of 16 years. i'm so in love with their love)
- speaking of michelle--she is going to be the classiest thing to ever live in the white house. it is SUCH deliciously sweet icing on the cake that she is going to be our first lady. take that all you negative stereotypes about black women!
- speaking again of michelle--her fashion is so hit or miss these days--we need to get her a gbf. . .i didn't love her dress last night. at. all.
- i can hardly wait to see sasha and malia playing on the lawn with their new puppy!
- can you believe that he won florida AND virgina?? and he got more popular votes in nc. . .and for the first time in lord knows how long, even texas and south carolina were really close right up until the end! it is nothing short of amazing. maybe, as my friend overheard someone say last night, "God must be a democrat"
- food for thought. . .do we pay for our president? i know you got all those emails asking for money and saying how important money is to the campaign and what they are able to do. i'm not talking about time and effort (yay to everyone who made the grassroots thing a success--it was no easy task!), but money. if we hadn't given barack money, would he have still won?
- after all is said and done, maybe we should thank dubya for screwing everything up so royally. the old folks say 'nothing changes until the pain of staying the same outweighs the pain of changing'. . .thanks to dubya, people were so pained that, in a country where they are still lynching people and racism is still alive and well, people were willing to give a black man the chance to make us better.
ps--i would so love it if all of my friends could be at the inauguration speech. try to get tix! go here and find your representative, call them and ask to be put on their list!
I actually likes Michelle's dress. What I did not like is the sweater she put pver the dress.
I liked Michelle's dress too. They all looked cute in their coordinating black and red.
I was at the Obama rally in Grant Park and it was soooo amazing to see all the black people intermixed with non-black people celebrating this amazing man!! The unity we had, the love we felt and the awesome feeling that spread through the crowd when we heard he won......it's a feeling and a scene I will NEVER forget.
i didn't like the dress either, but i too am in love with their love! oh check out this site: http://www.mrs-o.org/ it's all about michelle's fashion!
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