so. i had seen commercials for this show and i was immediately ready to write it off. it's supposed to profile the 'glamorous lives of those in the industry' aka video girls. okay, anyone who knows anything about the industry knows that life as a video girl is anything but glamorous. even if you 'make it' a la superhead and are treated like the recycling rather than straight garbage, life is rough. that is not a stable living, even with an agency. i would venture to guess most of these girls are waitresses or something on the side. there is no way you can support yourself as a career video girl--there just aren't that many videos and they don't pay that much! if they consider themselves glamorous bc they get to vie for the attention of random rappers up close and personal ('i got to sleep with so and so!') then they can have that, but don't try to make people think that life as a video girl is 1) glamorous 2) anything to aspire toward.
let me talk about the show. the show is based on this woman danielle and her 'agency' called candy girls (let it not escape you that wikipedia's entry for candy girls says 'a line of sex dolls manufactured by orient industries). the other women in the cast are danielle's go-to makeup lady/stylist, who seems to lack personal style (she is tyson beckford's baby momma--hmm. i didn't think tyson was straight), some woman who wasn't in the first show and then the video girls. there is brooke, terrica, olivia, and blanca. i was hesitant to use this picture for this post bc these girls look *nothing* like these pics. they are average at best for the most part (olivia and brooke are pretty girls) but somehow think they are god's gift to tv. we know there's room for average girls in video girl world *if* you are thick (ie. we'll put you in the video but won't show your face unless it's a quick flash, in the dark, or a silhouette) but these girls are none of that. they are all pretty skinny and need lots of makeup to look any better than that woman you just passed on the street.
the dialogue on the show made me cringe from embarrassment. i knew it would be scripted and fake. i did not know it would be soooo embarrassing! first of all, this little olivia girl is just painful to watch. if she is that naive and sheltered, she need not be on this show. we are supposed to believe she was at ucla and she is trying to be an actress by exposing herself to 'the industry' as a video girl. a few problems: she is shy, naive, and her attempt at acting--fail. how are you going to be a shy video girl??
then it went straight to stereotypes--the darker skinned girls were the attitudinal ones from the jump, the lighter skinned girls were the sweet innocent ones. i don't even want to mention how if blanca was as funny looking as she is but brown she wouldn't be considered beautiful, attractive, or whatever else we're supposed to think they are. terrica's attitude almost cost her her job as she took the attitudinal black b**** thing to a whole new level. and she is just mean for no reason but is a mother (ps-where is her daughter while she's supposed to be living in this house?).
oh and then we're led to believe that it is a rite of passage for minority women to go to jail/be arrested as the group scoffs at olivia for not ever having been arrested. it was almost too much to bear.
i don't know where they're going from here, but you can pretty much count me out.
overall impression: womp, womp
I am appalled! We have a beautiful brown woman, aka Michelle Obama, in the white house, she is our first lady. And I am sure there were many more reputable careers that could be showcased on E! instead of the life of a video hoe-and lets just call it what it is. And why is it that every video hoe clams that they are only working as a video hoe because they want to be an actress or model? I'm so confused by this because I dont know any video hoe who has transitioned into either career successfully. The most modeling they will get will be on the cover of King magazine and acting...hmm, I just don't want to say it but porn comes to my mind. At any rate, I too was confused about the chick who claimed to have gone to ucla and comes from a family of affluence and how or why she ended up being a candy girl? terrica's attitude was horrible, I actually couldn't believe she wasn't fired on the spot! Overall I agree that this show was badly scripted, poorly acted and in general a complete waste of airtime. Womp womp is right!
lol...mercy. These shows are getting worse and worse. And you're right, how many of these industry girls whether video or not are actually good looking in person? Probably not many. If it's not Photo Shopped or lit a certain way it's not working. Worst part is that even if you are pretty it's a depreciating commodity because it doesn't last forever. Those girls need to fill out a FAFSA and go back to school.
I love Danielle and all how she's a female entrepreneur on the rise in Hollywood....however, she's too busy mixing business with pleasure and needs to be strictly business and FIRE Terricka. A bad attitude girl like her will jeopardize her business in the industry and Terricka needs to shut her trap because she gets on my last nerve ragging on the other girls all because she's insecure and jealous because the rookies are way prettier than her and they have degrees, a higher education that will get them somewhere in life rather than shaking their booty on everyone's video. Terricka needs an attitude check and I would love to check her because she is NOT the business. She needs to turn in her BMW and buy a less expensive, economical family vehicle to transport her "daughter" around because young beauty dont last forever honey and you need to get it together. A DIVA is a female hustler.....not a video whore so dont get it twisted sweetie!! Like Tupac once said..."Every other video...I see the same hoe."
Blanca is a straight up "Lush" and she needs to stop blaming her actions on her alter ego "Pheonix"...breezy pleeease...you need to ask Boss Lady to enroll you in a 2-week session on "How to have Class".
Terricka on the other hand....she's not even cute, its know wonder why she dont have a man and her baby daddy left her for someone decent with a humble attitude.
Brooke is cute...but not beautiful but for reals....its only a matter of time when everyone gets tired of seeing her in everybody and they mamas video!
Danielle is a sweet, down to earth hustler on the grind but she needs to stop thinking that her girls are "top models" because they "Are Not" so I hate to burst your bubble sweety. If I were you...I would send your Assistant on a casting call for better looking candy girls to replace the ones you already have.
the bytch who wrote this article obviously knows nothing about the show
lol @ anonymous #3. . .that was classy and articulate. i'm sure you're the target demographic ;)
Ummmm...I'm actually starting to get into this show...
The show is called candy girls the modeling agency is called bella. If you're going to talk about something get all of ya information together. that's it...deuces. :)
o yea and terrica lives with her mother not in the loft. if you had time to notice and memorize all of the smallest details about the show you should've noted it all.
lol. i'm not sure why people defend this show like it's 'eye on the prize', i know we all have our guilty pleasure tv, but goodness.
to the commenter above, thank you for clarifying, but as a i said, the post is based on the first show, i haven't really watched since then--i wasn't gathering details so much as commenting on my impressions of the first show and whether intentionally or unintentionally some things weren't readily apparent then. . .
All of you need to shut up. The show is about what really goes on in life. How you look, or others see you is not just about looks but your confidence as well. They have the confindence that men like and get paid for that as well as their looks. Stop letting being jealous and build your own confidence and self esteem. Whether Terrica has a bad attitude or not she is on top of what she wants. A person will only do what you allow them to do to you. Her assistant sucked but no one commented on that. So stop being jealous and secretly wishing that something about them you had, and just step your game up.
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