so you know how people say, 'why would you want hamburger when you can have filet mignon?' what happens if your 'filet mignon' finds out that you've had some. . .less than desirable looking 'hamburger' in your past. . .is it fair for them to 'deduct points' or otherwise 'judge' your taste--maybe even making them think they're out of your range? and if so does this mean you can never see the errors of your ways and. . .upgrade, meaning you have to start eating filet from the beginning??
my friend recently said:
i mean you cant be shopping at the dollar store last week and then expect to go on a shopping spree at Neimans this weekwhich i personally found hilarious. i have definitely looked at people i've dated a little differently once i've seen their past choices. of course people have different reasons for choosing others--personality is always a factor. . .but if i found out you were dating someone who occupies the "ugly to bad side of average" side of the spectrum AND they're crazy/mean/stupid/otherwise personality impaired, we have a problem. i can't help but wonder what you saw in that person and whether you think we are similar--i want to know your pattern. and of course people change, sometimes people go for what's available at the time, were young and stupid and she had a 'donk, etc. . .but imma need an explanation. or in the words of my friend, a:
Yeah(lol. yes, she's crazy. but i love her), you know what I totally slipped up and went to the dollar store last week. I mean i dont usually shop there but i saw some soy sauce and it was only a dollar...so i picked up two bottles
i would question my compatibility with said carnivore...if he liked hamburgers so much why does he all of a sudden want filet? he obviously had some interest in, or at least, infatuation with, hamburgers.
I really hate to judge...but sometimes i cant help myself. What if you are dating someone and having a great time. Then you begin to learn about their dating history and are completely shocked and appalled! It becomes apparent that they have been munchin on meat that is well below par...in fact, it is the kind of meat that, in your opinion, should just be thrown away. Then what? Should you just forget about it and move on? Perhaps...but it's not that easy. You start to ask yourself, "what did he/she see in that person? Did he/she like those characteristics? Does he/she see those characteristics in me? Has he/she changed? Was he/she perpetually drunk when choosing his dating partners in the past?"
Some people say the past is the past and it doesn’t matter. But we all know that our past is what shapes our present. What makes someone who regularly shops at the dollar store decide to all of a sudden shop at Neiman’s? Drastic changes like that definitely warrant an explanation. And perhaps if the explanation is suitable, maybe you can move on.
But consider this...If you were eating a sandwich and then found out it was made out of cow tongue and cockroaches...would you keep eating it? Even if you thought it was relatively tasty before? Maybe you would, but i guarantee it would leave a different taste in your mouth.
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