i had the privilege of seeing this with some of my faves on its opening weekend. i give it two thumbs up!
i love movies with strong black women, i have liked dakota fanning since she was little, and i like movies that weave in history and, of course, civil rights. so this was a win-win for me. i also like movies that don't spoonfeed you every thought--i like being able to infer character motivations and letting emotions fill in blanks--everything need not be explicitly stated.
random thoughts:
- i think they should have had 'honey' by erykah badu in this movie--all i could think of when a. keys and her boo were on screen was 'i'm in love with a bumble bee. . .' someone should have made that connection! or maybe they did and erykah was too busy being strange to approve
- that wig they had on alicia was *not* the business. that girl has never been that close to that many naps in her whole life!
- the suicide scene was so. . .extra. i did not need to see the rock on her chest. i was already appalled enough at the idea that this movie that i expected to be about bees and flowers and happy stuff was trying to make me cry! spare me the gruesomeness! at most i was expecting someone to get stung by a bee--at MOST.
- and tho i was too stubbornly mad at the movie for trying to make me cry to let any tears actually fall, i have to say that it was a tough fight when little dakota broke down crying and talking about how she was unloveable--you could just *feel* the pain. how does a little girl get that good at acting at such a young age??
- i really wanted to see a roach follow marshmallows and graham crackers outside. . .
- is there really such thing as purple honey? i need some. . .
- i wanted to know more about the mean ol' daddy. . .i wanted to be able to feel sorry for him.
- did dakota ever get to wear the dress may was making? it was almost done. . .relatedly, where did she get all those clothes she *was* wearing?? all that didn't fit in that little bag!
- do people who don't get married because they love themselves/their freedom more than their mate ever regret it?
I saw the movie too! It was so cute, but I was confused about the daddy too. Why was he so miserable? Was it just because of the mother having died when trying to leave him?
I'm pretty sure purple honey exists. I feel like I saw it in a country store somewhere.
The movie was adorable. I cried hysterically but it was worth it!
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