i just can't believe some of the stuff that goes on on this show. . .and then my mouth dropped further in incredulity when a caller on the morning show i listen to said she's proud to see black people doing well and so she's proud of these ladies. hmmm.
now, i know that being a mother and wife is a lot of work--but that's not what is providing these women with money. i assume then, the caller was proud of them for 'marrying well'? i did notice that a few of the ladies do work in some other capacity--but they do the leisurely work that marrying well is allowing them to do--such as running charitable organizations or trying to sell $4.6 million dollar homes in a recession.
i love to see my people do well as much as the next person--probably more, but goodness, aren't we the flashiest when we are doing well? conspicuous consumption is alive and well in the houses of these housewives. (sidebar: i feel ok lumping kim into some of these generalizations because she says she's a black girl trapped inside a white girl's body. i'm not sure exactly how she came to that conclusion, but i'll run with it since it suits my current purposes). sheree had $6500 worth of shoes shopped to her home for her own personal fashion show--and in the next few moments was talking about her desire for a 7-figure lump sum divorce settlement. kim spent more on her daughter's 11th birthday party than some people make a year--$2000 on the cake alone, and two louis vuitton bags, one that costs $1610. i just cannot get over this. i understand spoiling your children and wanting them to have the things you never had. . .but if you do this for her 11th birthday, what will you do for her sweet 16?? or when you're celebrating an accomplishment like graduation? and the child already seemed to be unfazed by all these materialistic showings, she was surly and ungrateful to say the least. it's as if she feels she deserves all of this and it is owed to her. if that kind of lavish party and gift giving doesn't make you happy, you have a very sad life ahead of you. . .the real world doesn't come close to having a louis bag dropped in your lap!
i also didn't get:
- why kim's white girl weave/wig/lacefront looked so. . .horrible
- why sheree was so pressed to go to the kiddie party
- why sheree is pronounced sha-ray
- why kim dressed her 'girls' in lace and brought them out to play at her daughter's birthday party
- if you're going to spend more on a birthday cake than some people spend on a wedding cake, why didn't you do the whole 'cake tasting' thing so you wouldn't be standing there with the stank face on the day of the party?
- why nene tried to make it seem like some grand set up and didn't just tell the rest of the crew that she had talked to sheree before kim's little spazz attack. . .that was so extra
- why deshawn thinks she needs a personal assistant. . .or for that matter, why she thinks helping her kids get dressed in the morning and shooing them down to breakfast cooked by a chef (and probably driven to school by a chauffeur while she gets her makeup done for her day of leisure) is even remotely as stressful as being a single parent
I completely agree about children needing to know that LVMH bags do not fall from the sky. Half the joy of acquiring luxury items is working towards acquriring them, whether as gift from another or gifts to yourself!
Uhh yeah.. the conspicuous consumption on this show dwarfs the other versions many times. I don't know their names yet, but my jaw dropped when one of them said she was hiring an 'estate manager.' Sheer unmitigated madness. I so think people who spoil their kids like this are just setting them up for lives of chronic dissatisfaction- not to mention the dissatisfaction of the other people who have to deal with their precious little monsters.
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