so the other day i was watching tv with 'someone' and a commercial came on that made 'someone' say 'that guy has definitely been outchicked'. now, in the context i knew what 'someone' meant but i wanted to ask for clarification. according to 'someone', outchicked describes a situation when a girl is with a guy and she can do much better than him. . .
so this made me think. 1) isn't it ok for a guy to be 'outchicked'? i mean this has been going on since stone age (think fred and wilma, barney and betty). i think it draws more comment when a girl seems 'physically undeserving' of the guy she's with; 2) what does it mean to 'do better than him'? maybe she could be with someone more attractive than that guy, but what if what she really wants is his money. . .gold digging is a subtle art that is not always visible to the naked eye (or so i've been told), or maaaaybe the guy has a great personality and treats her well and that trumps everything; 3) i have noticed this in lots of clubs, but the fact is there are way more pretty girls than there are cute guys these days (shame.). . .you could never match everyone. it's a good thing some girls don't mind 'outchicking' (can i use it like that) a guy! and 4) last but not least, sometimes really cute guys are more trouble than they're worth, maybe you don't really want to deal with the drama of 24-7 panty flinging. . .
anyway, all that to say. . .what does it really mean to be outchicked?
This is a great entry. People bring things to a relationship other than their looks.
Relationships are about how you make each other feel and what you get from each other.
Whether you make your significant other happy through your looks, personality, or posessions, the importance lies in achieving a balanced happiness.
Hmm...I'm going to save my comments for a different venue.
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