i don't really know what i intend to do with a blog. in true walking contradiction form, i'm actually kinda a private person so i don't *really* want all my business in the streets. . .but sometimes i just want to put stuff out there, and i know my brother needs a break from my random texts and phone calls (plus he's been disagreeing with me too much lately). hmm, so maybe this is charitable. . .
anyway, what would make interpreting my randomness a little easier:
1. i wear stilettos 99% of the time--they're just more comfortable for me--thus, the name of the blog. and yes, i can run in stilettos. i only own one pair that i can't run in, and that's because they're too big (but too cute to give up). this leads people to form certain opinions about me. i find myself having to disprove stereotypes about myself wherever i go.
2. i don't really type in caps unless i have to. otherwise, i am your typical critical, analytical, slightly obsessive compulsive virgo. i love lists, i am *such* a planner, and i have a "my way" of doing almost everything. therefore, this compilation of 'random thoughts' won't really be all that random. . .
3. i'm not racist, i like lots of white people. . .i don't like whitey. there is a difference.
4. several different people would characterize me in several different ways. the aforementioned brother likes a mix of quinn (from daria, remember daria on mtv?!), elle (from legally blonde), and dede (from dexter's laboratory) and toni childs (from girlfriends); my other friends like to call me a princess or 'the duchess' while also calling me a militant. my mother insists that if there's a government red flag list for such militants, i've been on it for a while now. and my bf likes to call me prettygirl--which says nothing about my personality, i just like it :) soooo i guess i am what you would get if you crossed harriet tubman, assata shakur, kimora lee simmons (minus a few millions), aaand okay, maybe elle woods--and gave her an azur damier lv named lolo.
5. i work in the legal world, but i hate the law--i think the constitution, the courts, the judges, and the prosecutors are too easily used to oppress and to preserve the status quo. i am planning a revolution as we speak. . .from the inside. i want to save the world, but i'm still trying to figure out the best way and how to do it with minimal nail breakage. and when i say 'the world' i usually mean starting with my people, followed by the rest of the world.
6. i went to an ivy league school for 3 years--i hate the ivy league, i hate what it does to too many black people, and knew that before i started. like i said, i'm planning the revolution from the inside, so these are the prices i must pay.
7. i manage to somehow be both a romantic and a realist. i want my happily ever after, but have doubts that it can happen . i also want 'amor vincit omnia' engraved in my wedding bands, even though i don't believe it. i love love, even if it's just the idea of it.
8. i love babies and old people
9. i am a christian, i am spiritual, but i have doubts about organized religion. i admit to using Him as a spare tire rather than a steering wheel more often than not. i also admit to working more on my relationship with Him than the church--this may be the wrong approach, but hey at least if i'm wrong He can tell me!
10. i laugh at just about everything. sometimes my laughs sound more like giggles. . .i'm not flirting with you.
tee hee.
Two e's in "Dee Dee"
Other than that it's cute. It'd be cuter if you were writing it with a feathery, pink pen.
aww duchess has her very own blog.. so cute!
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