My Spin – "Simply put...I’m not that sexy…not even pretty really...but I’ve run out of options in my race and am getting a bit desperate."). she concluded by saying that she was trying to say that people should stop stereotyping in their personal ads by indicating a racial preference. she says that race has no place in your search for your mate. . .now, i was (and still am) lost in how the aforementioned example shows this, but i digress. i felt i had to respond--i definitely do have a racial preference and there is nothing wrong with that. having a racial preference doesn't mean i'll like every black man or turn away every white man. it is a starting point at which i would begin if i were to place a personal ad--i feel a certain level of unspoken comfort in the presence of most black people (male or female) that i don't with many other races. of course this can change the more you get to know people--the superficial attracts you but doesn't keep you, but this is my initial impression, my initial attraction, my personal preference. i am not ashamed to admit that my 'fairy tale' is a strong black family unit (a la barack, michelle, malia, and sasha) full of black love--the type that was intentionally destroyed in slavery and is seldom seen in society today. i resented her implying i was wrong for that.
she called indicating a racial preference 'reverse racism' and said that we can't say we want workplaces free from racism if we don't do away with it in our personal relationships. 1) having a racial preference is not racism--i can prefer one group without being racist 2) no one has a 'right' to date me. . .who i date affects me and that person. no one else. that's like saying i don't get to choose whether to date an ugly person--if they approach i must accept 3) the ability to work and exercise other rights in this country *shouldn't* be impeded by racism, and part of the reason there are laws protecting this right is about power differentials and survival in this capitalistic society founded one white supremacy. . .i would dare we don't need to guard against that in the 'mating dance' of modern day dating. i am not keeping other people from dating who they want, judging them for doing so, or saying that they are wrong for being so 'open'.
it really bothered me to have vigilante 'colorblind' people implying that i'm wrong for celebrating black love and all that it has overcome to exist and wanting it for myself. it is *my* relationship, right??
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