this lesson is called 'play your position'. by now it is common knowledge that kim is a jump off. her big poppa is some man with a family somewhere (i guess in atl, but does that mean his actual housewife was too boring to make the show?). here she is on tv, trying to get her 15 secs and is about to blow the level of comfort her jump off status has entitled her to. although the man said he didn't want to be named and so she isn't naming him, you know that if you dangle the bait, the fish will bite. people are going crazy trying to find out who 'big poppa' is. . .all because they don't want us to know. if he gets discovered kim is going to be in trouble. for what? not playing her position. jump offs are not housewives (umm, why didn't the editors catch this? how did a jump off end up on a show about housewives??) and are supposed to be quiet and exercise discretion. i would direct her to the joe budden song, 'pump it up' for instructions on what a jump off is supposed to do. i mean, she was smart enough to get a ballin' 'big poppa' but she's got to know how to keep him.
other thoughts:
- sheree is a hater and seems a tad miserable
- nene needs a bra
- i'm mad nene laughed like kim was telling a joke when she was talking about her singing career
- nene really told the psychic 'shet up girl'. . .lol
- kim's weave is older than 29--why did she look dead in the camera and lie to us--suuuure you're 29. . .plus 8
- lol @ record deals for people who hum--but forreal, if you want credibility as a singer, start at home. why don't your friends know you sing?
- why does nene's boo look like he could be her daddy--paternity problem solved!
- i want to go to a make up bar!
- why is sheree so self-important??
- lol @ tardy for the party--are those songs the actual makings of a hit record? imma need dallas to get that under control
- why did nene act like kim was talking about a 3-headed monster when kim said sheree was pretty? 'really??' lol! i mean, i don't like sheree at all. . .but she didn't deserve that!
- i loooove the gbf! that crisp pink shirt. . .you betta do it!
- why did nene let aun-tee go on tv looking like a clown =/ (but she looked good for 80, huh?)
I watched Real Housewives of New York and there was a single woman on the show. Maybe Kim is suposed to be the "single" woman of Atlanta, along with Sheree. Then again maybe Kim is supposed to represent the "wifey's" of the world?
So, I haven't been keeping up with this show, tho I did watch the preview, so I'm aware of the characters. It is definitely pretty crazy that Kim is on the show while trying to keep her shadowy adulterer a secret. I'm sure there are people who already know who he is... his wife probably knows who Kim is- tho she prolly never expected to be usurped as a 'housewife' by his mistress. And I'm sure the editors caught the fact that Kim was not an wife... they just thought this ish was pure juicy scandalous comedy.
I like Sheree. She's a little self-absorbed but she's cool. Nene on the other hand is a hater, full-time. But, she does keep the jokes coming!
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