he had asked himself: “Which is the President we need now?” Referring to Mr Obama, he continued: “And I come to the conclusion that because of his ability to inspire, because of the inclusive nature of his campaign, because he is reaching out all across America, because of who he is and his rhetorical abilities — and you have to take that into account — as well as his substance — he has both style and substance, he has met the standard of being a successful President, being an exceptional President.but because saying so made him just a regular old black man to sooo many republicans and closet racists who used to point to colin and say--of course i would vote for a black man, if barack were colin powell race wouldn't be an issue. many of the comments sections of websites that covered this momentous occasion are filled with hateful racist comments about the the once beloved republican black guy. it was a big move for him, he didn't have to do it and it would have been safer if he hadn't, but he did it.“I think he is a transformational figure. He is a new generation coming . . . on to the world stage and on the American stage. And for that reason I’ll be voting for Senator Barack Obama.”
know what? two gold stars. lol. yay colin!
ps- all of those people who say colin only endorsed him because he was black--or that black people only support barack because he's black, for that matter--sound stupid. we didn't support alan keyes, al sharpton, or jesse jackson the way we have supported barack. we are not stupid. we supported bill clinton and jimmy carter for the same reasons--we vote with our interests. we know that if white america is doing bad, black america is doing worse. colin powell has never been a dummy, he's never done stuff just because people think he should as a black man. but now that he's knocked himself off his pedestal by endorsing barack, people are all of a sudden acting like he can't have an independent thought. phooey.
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