so beyond the fact that it's getting hard to find new pictures of the group, i think lisa deserves a solo shot because she is my favorite. i've told people from the beginning how i like her because 1) she seems the most genuine and the least showy 2) she actually works and seems to understand the value of a dollar more than the others and 3) she seems to have actual friends and not be obsessed with the 'lifestyle' she has been afforded. i mean, we had two episodes revolving around deshawn's auction and it didn't even do well, whereas lisa shows her 'don't speak about it, be about it' attitude and sneaks up on us with a jewelry trunk show that lands her an even bigger opportunity and a photo shoot with derek blanks--which she killed! (shout out to derek, btw, for doing those yummy photo shoots of fellow howardite, lance gross). lisa is a hustler, homie!
other thoughts:
- did anyone else not feel sorry for deshawn as she dramatically fled to her bedroom and sobbed in her palatial estate? 1) she doesn't do anything, she has this one event and still feels the need to hire an event planner--umm, aren't you supposed to be the event planner? 2) she spent $30,000 on an event at her house--she didn't even have to rent space, just gaudy oscar statues for outside! then she put 'invites' on countertops in the mall--inviting all of pookie n'em to have free food and drinks at an nfl star's house. . .and was crying because no one bid on her stuff! that was just a party for them--nene and mark hayes (why did they call him by his full name the whole time) were just distracting background noise 3) out of all those dresses, she chose that one to wear?? 4) her husband needs to reign her in in general, or they will be broke in no time.
- kim is as fake and funny looking as her hair. how is nene her best friend and the light of her daughter's life one week then the next week she feels the same way about sheree and nene. . .and is a straight up sheree groupie?? puh-leez.
- umm, is it just me or does sheree have some HUGE hands. . .i'm not ready to say she's a man yet, but imma keep an eye on her. lol
- nene's gbf is off the hook. . .i was so mad at him telling her son 'be you. . .pick what you like' and then saying 'eww, you like that?? that's dreadful' to everything the boy picked out--while trying to turn him into a mini-me and delicately fingering the pink fabrics.
- but lol to him being right about deshawn's auction--he looked like he had smelled something foul when he said 'it's free??? how she expect to make any money like that??'
- kids: what do these women do with their kids while they're out gallavanting?? it seems like those babies see their mothers on tv more than they do in real life!
- umm, lisa's husband has a 'donk. lawdamercy to the red speedo (and lol to lisa like 'you can't just be showing it to everyone! that's mine!')
- someone please tell me what nene has against a bra. . .